Topics > Quick Google Sheets Tips

77 Tutorials

Quick Google Sheets Tips: Boost Your Productivity and Get More Done in Less Time

Quick Google Sheets tips are perfect for busy professionals who want to improve their productivity and efficiency. These short and sweet videos offer quick and easy tips that can be implemented in just a few minutes, helping you to save time and get more done. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best quick Google Sheets tips, including how to link directly to a tab in a sheet, how to download a sheet as a CSV with a URL only, and how to create an interactive to-do list.

Quick Google Sheets Tips
Very short videos with a quick Google Sheets tip. Rock and roll! If you’re in a rush these tips will add one more tool to your Google Sheets toolbelt in just a few short minutes.

Sample of Tutorials in this section.

Every Tab Has a Unique ID called GID
Each spreadsheet file has its own unique ID, which is its URL. However, every tab in a sheet also has a unique ID, known as a "gid." By using this ID, you can link directly to a tab in a sheet, saving you time and effort. This is especially useful when you're working with large sheets with multiple tabs.

How to Download a Sheet as a CSV with a URL only
If you want to download a Google Sheet as a CSV, you don't need to go through a lot of steps. In fact, you can do it with just a URL. All you need to do is add "/export?format=csv" to the end of the sheet's URL, and you'll be able to download it as a CSV file.

2 Ways to Hide Data
Sometimes, you might want to hide data in your Google Sheet. Perhaps you're sharing it with someone, and you don't want them to see certain information. Or maybe you just want to declutter your sheet. Whatever the reason, there are two simple ways to hide data in Google Sheets: using the IF() formula, or using the "Hide" feature in the "Format" menu.

Interactive To-Do List
Creating a to-do list in Google Sheets is easy. But did you know you can create an interactive to-do list that does so much more? With a little bit of creativity, you can add features like progress tracking, due dates, and even automatic reminders. This is a great way to stay organized and on top of your tasks.

How do I Insert Emojis into Google Sheets?
Emojis are a great way to add some fun and personality to your Google Sheets. To insert emojis, all you need to do is press "Control+Command+Space" on your keyboard. This will bring up a menu of emojis that you can choose from.

Hide Gridlines for Better Communication
Gridlines can be useful when you're working in Google Sheets. They help you to see where each cell begins and ends. However, sometimes they can get in the way and make your sheet look cluttered. If you want to hide gridlines, simply go to the "View" menu, and uncheck the "Gridlines" option.

Frustrated With Sheets New Dropdown Pills?
Google Sheets recently introduced a new feature called "dropdown pills," which are similar to dropdown menus. While some people love this feature, others find it frustrating and prefer the classic dropdown menus. If you're in the latter group, don't worry - there are three simple options to show dropdowns in Google Sheets.


Less than 2 minute tip to help you link directly to a tab in a sheet. Each spreadsheet file has it's own unique id, a url. But also every tab has a unique "gid" that you can use to link directly to a tab in a sheet. Saving people a click.
Do you know all the ways to add columns to your Google Sheets?
These are simple spreadsheet hacks you might not know about. Simple interface tricks that knowing about will make your spreadsheet life better.
 Hey there! In this video, I'll show you how to create awesome buttons in Google Sheets using a three by three set of cells. We'll merge cells, adjust alignment, resize rows and columns, add colors and shadows, change fonts, and even make the buttons look like hyperlinks. And the best part? I'll also show you how to do it all in just one click using the Button Styles add-on. So get ready to make your Google Sheets look super cool with these stylish buttons! 🚀
Make a copy and rename to BACKUP plus the Date of the backup. Execute this automatically via Triggers in your Apps Script. Two are shown here. to back up a tab or back up a spreadsheet file.
Create a new sheet and do it well.
Create a simple checklist checker that shows us the first unchecked item in a task list.
Sit back and enjoy this comprehensive tutorial on how to create a live message in Google Sheets. In this video, we dive deep into the process of live message creation, providing step-by-step instructions and practical examples. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this tutorial will empower you to unleash the full potential of Google Sheets.
Welcome to the captivating world of Readable Hex Codes! In this video, we dive into the intriguing realm of colors represented by hex codes. You'll witness the magic unfold as we explore the delightful hues of "Coffee," "Decade," and many more. With a click, we'll reveal the true essence of these hex codes and bring them to life on a Google Sheet.
3 add-ons you can install right now and your Google Sheets life is better!
Tiny Sheets makes it simple to delete excess blank rows and columns.
Sheet Styles makes for less headaches and better text colors.
Button Styles makes awesome buttons for your users to click.
You're joining a company and they have some Google Sheets already created, and there's a sheet that has a cell in A1, this number, and you want to iterate it to 3, and B1 is connected to a lot of other stuff, so you don't want to mess with it. All you want to do is iterate a one, one at a time. I think the answer here is an Apps Script. 
It's a common problem: combining two lists of scores to identify top performers using Google Sheets. We demonstrate how to sort data from two different ranges using the VSTACK function and also using curly brackets. Learn the step-by-step process to create a single, vertically stacked dataset that can be sorted effectively.
Build a website from scratch using a little bit of Google Sheets as the backend. Using Carrd to build a html website from the data and display a random quote every time you refresh the page. All the code including the HTML embed is in the sheet below.
This tutorial showcases a practical solution to convert visual cues into actionable data in Google Sheets. It's a step-by-step guide on using Google Apps Script to automate the process of reading background colors and converting them into text. The focus is on simplifying data processing tasks and enhancing the utility of spreadsheets for data analysis.
Learn how to use URL forwarding to Redirect Domains to Google Sheets and Google Docs. Also included is a new feature I like to in Google which is Publish To the Web. In a previous video about this topic I might not have mentioned that.
Move a range, or a set of cells, to a new area with a simple formula that's just "curly brackets". Very easy and simple to use once you know it.
Count the number of cells or rows in a merged cell. This is a quick little code you can add to your sheets with the onOpen code.
Let me tell about some cool hacks you can do with checkboxes. Like making a checkbox have alternative values, or making a checkbox look like a button, not a check mark.
Create rounded pill form fields in Google Sheets.
Using Canva and a bit of a transparent PNG hack, you can make these very easily too!

also make sure to check out Coupon Code Maker a software product I sell that generates thousands of coupon codes in a click.

Recently updated dashboard makes it really cool! 
So you want to download a Google Sheet as a CSV. Let's do it!
Create uniform formatting even if you're copy and pasting data that is differently formatted.
Build a simple function that deletes undone items in our checklist.
Quickly make a daily email to myself with a motivational quote.
Discover the Ultimate Google Sheets Hack! Transform Text with Title Case Formula. Say Goodbye to 'Proper' and Hello to Easy Capitalization. Find Out How! 
Discover 4 easy ways to check if 2 cells in Excel are equal or not! Whether it's numbers, text, or dates, get the answer in seconds with simple tricks. Learn now in this video. 
In this video, I will show you how to clean up a list of names that may have extra white spaces using a formula. I will demonstrate how to identify and remove the extra spaces programmatically, making the list of names unique. By using the TRIM formula, we can easily clean up the names and create a new list with only the unique names. No action is required from you, just watch and learn!
Learn the Quick Fix! Replace Text with Blank Cell in Google Sheets Hassle-Free. Say Goodbye to Data Glitches. Super helpful when you need to find and replace in google sheets any text.
Get your spreadsheet to check off your checklist for you.

Dive into spreadsheet automation with this easy to follow script, or copy the sheet and use the script as you wish.
Little tricks to make Currency Exchange in Google Sheets better for you, and easier to read for others. Great for beginners, as well as Advanced Users.
Add one more feature to the 100 Twitter Templates tool.
Explore how to use AI for task categorization in Google Sheets, from setting up the environment to using a pre-made code template. Watch as we walk through the process, from generating an API key to fine-tuning the prompt for effective categorization of work and home tasks.

Final code is available in the sheet below. And the original template code is available here:
Without gridlines our sheets become a lot easier to communicate exactly what we want to communicate.
I will show you how to create a hack to retrieve Instagram follower accounts from any Instagram page using import XML. I will explain the step-by-step process, including how to identify the XML, split it, and extract the follower account. Follow along and try it out yourself.
Revolutionize the way you handle data with the BetterSheets REGEXMATCHER! Imagine having the ability to effortlessly validate text patterns, ensuring the integrity of your data. Whether you're searching for specific mentions, cleaning up unwanted content, or filtering out irrelevant information, our REGEXMATCHER is your go-to solution.

Error-Free Data: 
Experience precise data validation ensuring your information is accurate and error-free.
Effortless Pattern Recognition: 
Easily identify and eliminate unwanted data patterns, guaranteeing a clean and organized dataset.
Tailored Data Classification: 
Classify your data based on specific patterns, streamlining your workflow and increasing efficiency.

'll show you a game-changing Google Sheet formula that will make your day, especially if you're into bulk publishing and chat GPT. With this formula, you'll be able to insert lists of keywords into prompts effortlessly. I'll guide you step-by-step on how to set it up and use it effectively. Get ready to become faster, better, and more efficient in your publishing tasks. Let's dive in!
Going beyond PRIDE, to show you some undocumented google sheets hacks that you might call "Easter Eggs"
Create a little web app, or a tool inside of Google Sheets that can take any text input and give us the correct case we want. It can do Title Case or Sentence Case. It can do UPPER and lower case as well.

I added a little apps script to it that will check only one of the options. Check out the Radio Button Apps Script in another video.
Learn a cool trick you can do with the ArrayFormula. If you don't know what the ArrayFormula does, I show you how to use it in the first few minutes of this video.  Then show you how to use it better.
Introduction to creating a filter so that you can bill for a certain time period of hours. Great sheet for Freelancers or Gig Workers.
Using People Chips and Date Chips to make a quick network building list even faster. Great to integrate Sheets with Gmail like this. Makes building the list and doing follow up so much faster.
Create a slug maker inside your sheet. We'll take any title with any case, even if it's wrong. Our sheet template will lower case the whole line, and replace any spaces with hyphens. This way we can enter any kind of title we want and get a hyperlink slug out for use in blogs or cataloging.
Create a better checklist for project based task management.
I'll show you how to create a motivational quote checklist that generates a random quote every time you check off a task. We'll start from scratch and create a formula that displays motivational quotes from a list of 100 quotes. The quotes can be easily expanded, and the checklist will update accordingly. This tool will add a touch of motivation and productivity to your day. Enjoy!
I'll show you how to create a visual clock in your Google Sheet using conditional formatting. 

By following a few simple steps, you'll be able to see the progress of each hour throughout the day. 

No manual updates required! I'll guide you through setting up the custom formula, applying it to the desired range, and making it work for multiple columns if needed. 

Plus, I'll share a tip on how to reverse the colors if you prefer to track the remaining time instead. 

Let's get started and make your Google Sheet even more efficient! 
Find out the results of YouTube Thumbnail A/B Tests with this YouTube Thumbnail Image hack we can do in Google Sheets.
Someone asked about how to find all the permutations of text and I thought it was a perfect example to show you how to use Spintax add-on. Free for everyone.

→ Get Spintax
Hide data with these simple tricks. Just using the IF() formula.
3 options to show dropdowns. It looks actually much closer to Airtable, but some people don't want this some sheets sort of fanatics, enthusiasts, people who love Google Sheets and don't really want to look.
Create a simple script to open a particular tab. In this case we're opening to a random motivational quote each time.
What is "&" doing in this formula? MONTH(A1&1)
Do you know why this is so cool? It can replace an entire vlookup chart I've been making for years.
Got this question in the Facebook Group: How to count the number of numbers in a row. I saw two possible solutions mentioned in the comments and wanted to go through why those are okay but there is a much more flexible and better solution.
Create a simple to-do list that does so much more.
10 Things I Hate About Your Spreadsheets and how to fix them. Here is a list of 10 things you can do today to make your sheets more lovable.

The 10 Things I Hate about your Sheets
  1. Squeezed Rows
  2. Garbage Data
  3. Looks The Same
  4. Crazy Column Width
  5. Where’s Waldo 
  6. Of Results
  7. Too Many Clicks
  8. Instructions Unclear
  9. Eye Strain and Headaches
  10. Lazy Conditional Formatting
  11. Too Many Cells
Using Control+Command+Space in inserting emojis into Google Sheets.
Here's four ways to make a new sheet. There's lots of reasons why you wanna know all of them. Makes you a more flexible, faster spreadsheeter.
Learn how to use apps script to add emoji animations when you complete a checklist in Google Sheets.
This is like one of those things that is incredibly frustrating about Google Sheets. I will tell you right now. It is the simplest, stupidest solution
Create a sequence of numbers that magically appears as you type in each row. Put this in A1 and start typing in column B: =SEQUENCE(COUNTA(B:B),1,1,1)
Improve Google Sheets Readability
Improve the readability of your spreadsheets and supercharge your productivity with our top tips for better numbering and bullet points in Google Sheets.

Create Visually Appealing Sheets
Discover how to create clear, concise, and visually appealing spreadsheets that engage your audience and get results! Make your lists spicy hot with numbering and bullet points. Learn how to execute this to make your sheets look better.

Understanding the Importance of Readability in Spreadsheets Readability is crucial when it comes to spreadsheets. It refers to how easy it is for your audience to read and understand the data you are presenting. If your spreadsheet is cluttered, confusing, and hard to read, your audience will quickly lose interest and may not be able to make informed decisions based on the data you are presenting.

The Benefits of Using Bullet Points and Numbering in Spreadsheets
Using bullet points and numbering in spreadsheets can help to improve readability by breaking down complex information into more manageable pieces. Here are some of the benefits of using these features:
  • Bullet points and numbering help to organize information in a logical and easy-to-follow way
  • They make it easier to scan and find important information quickly
  • They can help to emphasize key points and make them stand out from the rest of the data 
  • They make your spreadsheet look more visually appealing and professional
While this advice and all well and good, try out Sheet Styles, a free Google Sheets Add-on that enables you to do this less contrast style in one click.
A quick video to share with you this theory. Consider repositioning your headers as labels in a dashboard.
Add extra pizzazz. a little more snazz to your sheets. Make dashboards with very flexible drop shadows. A great google Sheet trick for any occasion.
You can change the row height in 5 different ways in a google sheet. Consider adding padding around your text with more row height. and column width.
We're gonna talk about some of the most basic keyboard shortcuts that incredibly time saving and are gonna make you so much faster when using Google Sheets.
Very quick interesting little keyboard shortcut where you might not even know it exists. Repeat what you're doing, over and over again.
Make your Google Sheets visually appealing and easier to understand with our expert tips on using gridlines, border styles, and colors. Learn how to create a professional-looking spreadsheet that effectively communicates your data to your audience. Boost your productivity today! We're gonna be talking about how to communicate better with grid lines, border styles, and border colors. Really interesting thing happens when you hide grid lines. You lose the grid, and I'll show you how to add that in. And some really interesting things you can do with different styles of border.
Want to create sleek, stunning PDFs from your Google Sheets? Look no further! Learn how to easily export your sheets to PDF format and impress your audience. Create a PDF from your Google Sheet.
Get ready to shake things up, formula fanatics! Learn how to add a dark mode button to your Google Sheets with this dead simple trick. Using conditional formatting and a custom formula, you can turn on dark mode with just one click. Don't miss out on this cool feature! Made this really quick dark mode click button. And I wanted to show you how I did it because it's dead simple, super simple. It's literally just using conditional formatting
you might actually find something new and interesting about it. We're just changing the column width.
Let's figure out how a sheet is structured.
I walk you through everything you may encounter along the way of coding in Google Apps Script. Discover the challenges and pitfalls before you fail. If you’ve never coded before, I’m right there with you all the way.
Combine Databases and Backup Your Information Effortlessly - Learn how to merge two databases and compare backups with ease. Get all the information you need from past years and multiple sheets. Follow our step-by-step guide and simplify your data management today! 
How to add a timestamp to done tasks. Learn how to easily add timestamps to your done tasks! Say goodbye to manual formatting and hello to this simple code. Click now to save time! 
Write an apps script to delete lines easily.