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Make Your Lists Spicy Hot in Google Sheets

About this Tutorial

Create fun funky bullet points to get your point across better. Put emojis in your sheets to bring them to life.

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Video Transcript

 Hey, sheet shakers. It's big sheeter here, Andrew. And I just wanna sort of show you something that's really cool. Is these using emojis as bullet points. How I do it is literally just copy paste from emoji pd. Pd. That's weird. And then a couple things to make 'em look way nicer. I. Format them so that they are to the right and format the text or line the text to the left so that they all match up and then oops, did something weird there.

And then this is like a really cool implementation that I saw in another sheet where instead of doing a header, like usually it. Up here, right? We can create this really big block and I, I merge all of those rows vertically. And so now we have this really nice, like left to right align not alignment, but like hmm, what you call it sort of just aligns the eye to say, Ooh, sparkle over here.

Like it. It takes in both. We, we read up and down, but we also read left to right. I think it makes a really cool way to break up a list and then adding some white space in between these groups. And then the second part is that I. Do a little bit higher row height over here. Let me move my face over here.

I c I add a little row height and that gives it a little white space around each of these items. Obviously I do view. And then click on the grid lines, so it's actually hiding the grid lines and they look really, really nice. Hopefully this helps you make some cool lists in Google Sheets. 


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