

165Google Sheet Tutorials

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An Exclusive Library of Google Sheet Tutorials!

Why Choose Our Google Sheet Tutorials?

🚀 Efficient:

Learn the best Google Sheets formulas and spreadsheet automation techniques to supercharge your workflow. Discover how to automate repetitive tasks effortlessly, saving you valuable time and effort.

🎯 Precise:

Master Google Sheets formulas to ensure your data is always accurate and up-to-date.

🔧 Automate Your Sheets

Delve into the world of Google Apps Script. Automate reporting. Automate your data. Automate your business

Find out how many people attended each event even if they are double counted in attendee lists.
Introduction to creating a filter so that you can bill for a certain time period of hours. Great sheet for Freelancers or Gig Workers.
Use Google Sheets to quickly find pages we can optimize. Using data directly from Google Search Console. Also check out the simple formula combination: AND() with IF()
Quickly make a daily email to myself with a motivational quote.
Move a range, or a set of cells, to a new area with a simple formula that's just "curly brackets". Very easy and simple to use once you know it.
Check out a CRM built inside of Google Sheets called SheetifyCRM.com
A master class on merging cells. How to merge two cells. How to merge multiple cells. How to merge horizontally, vertically, and why.  Create groups. Create headers. And how to merge automatically. Members get the sheet and the apps script down below.
How to turn a spreadsheet in your Google Drive into a sellable product. Step-by-step, I will show you exactly how I do it. If you're selling a sheet you use, then you must do this!
Set up automated email notifications based on Google Sheets data. Super simple apps script to start this. Learn how to automate this for users very easily with a custom menu and programmable Triggers.
A brief description of types of automation. I go way more in depth in “Master Spreadsheet Automation” on Udemy and “Spreadsheet Automation 101” on Better Sheets
- Built-in Formulas that seem like automation IF()
- Custom Functions in Apps Script
- Time Driven Triggers
- Event Driven Triggers
Create custom scripts to make your spreadsheets more like tools.
How to imbue your sheets with a little bit of magic to delight your customers without learning Apps Script. Using the IF/ISBLANK formula combination.
How to let your end users find what they want. Use the FILTER() function to create views.
How to curate data easily and quickly into a sheet (Bookmarklet)
A video I did summarizing the 3 things you can do to help people who share your sheet, not do it, or at least get some value from it.

More info on the course: sellingspreadsheets.com

Get OnlySheets

Curated sites, articles, and more web resources super easily into a Google Sheet. Create a bookmarklet automatically with this apps script tool.
Got this question in the Facebook Group: How to count the number of numbers in a row. I saw two possible solutions mentioned in the comments and wanted to go through why those are okay but there is a much more flexible and better solution.
I created a weight loss tracker template for myself and thought you, and all members would like it. So get it, copy it, and start your weight loss journey today. Comes with a nice chart already so all you have to do is add your numbers every day.
Let me tell about some cool hacks you can do with checkboxes. Like making a checkbox have alternative values, or making a checkbox look like a button, not a check mark.

Displaying items 21-40 of 165 in total