Reviewing an existing sheet called "mortgage calculator for Google sheets"
I point out the really nice "back to dashboard" button. This seems like a minor point but ends up improving the user interface, and user experience. Users tend to get lost in sheets with tabs, and providing another path to a sheet you know your users will want to go to, is great.
At the end of the video I point out that you probably want to provide more outputs than inputs. Meaning that if someone puts in a few numbers, they get out of it a few years of statistics, or calculations in this case.
Calculators are cool, but generators are even better. Calculators have a tendency to have more inputs than outputs. You're trying to get to one magical result. But a spreadsheet can be so much more powerful and show many more outputs if you do those calculations,.
Especially here for a mortgage, you can show a range of calculations in addition to a single calculation.