Formulas > =RIGHTB()

How To Use RIGHTB() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the right portion of a string up to a certain number of bytes.

Common Questions about the RIGHTB Formula:

- How does the RIGHTB formula work?
- What is the syntax for using the RIGHTB formula?
- When should I use the RIGHTB formula?

Using the RIGHTB Formula Appropriately:

- Make sure to specify the text and the number of characters you want extracted from the right side of the text.
- Valid text should be included inside the quotation marks and the number of characters should be specified.
- The extracted text will begin at the right side of the starting position in the text.

Common Ways the RIGHTB Formula is typed incorrectly:

- Forgetting the quotation marks.
- Mis-matching quotation marks around the text being extracted.
- Not specifying the total number of characters to be extracted.

Common Ways the RIGHTB Formula is Used Improperly:

- Not using the RIGHTB formula when extracting text from the right side of the text.
- Retrieving too many characters, resulting in cutting off part of the text.
- Using the LEFTB formula instead of RIGHTB when extracting text from the right side of the text.

Common Pitfalls With Using the RIGHTB Formula:

- Using the WRONGB formula instead of RIGHTB
- Not taking into account any special characters present in the text
- Forgetting to specify the starting and ending positions of the extracted text

Common Mistakes When Using the RIGHTB Formula:

- Not including the total number of characters to extract.
- Retrieving characters from the wrong side of the text.
- Using the LEFTB formula instead of RIGHTB.

Common Misconceptions People Might Have With the RIGHTB Formula:

- That the RIGHTB formula only extracts characters from the left side of the text. 
- That the RIGHTB formula doesn't work with special characters. 
- That the RIGHTB formula must start at the right side of the text."

How To Actually Use RIGHTB() in Sheets

RIGHTB(string, num_of_bytes)

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Learn more about the RIGHTB() formula:

Right, RightB Function

A video by Daniel DeMarais demonstrating how to use the right and rightb functions in excel.

Generate a RIGHTB() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


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